the pocket Band


software and manuals


Okyweb4 has a constantly evolving software and many issues you can find are solved simply by updating the machine. That is why we invite you to do it, following the procedure that we describes on this page.
Also  Okyweb 4 has a Help on Line that explains its features and is accessible in real time by pressing and holding the Enter key for more than 2 seconds. From that moment, each key you touch, a window explaining how it works will appear.

Handling Backtracks

You have two modes: using a USB pen (recommended for standard transfers) or using the USB connection to your PC (recommended for heavy transfers). For more information, see the manual on “Files transfer ..”

Be careful to not connect Okyweb4 to your PC when there is a USB stick inserted. In this case there will be a conflict with the USB Stick and the PC can not connect to internal memory of Okyweb 4.
– Remove the USB pen
– Turn off Okyweb 4
– Disconnect the USB cable
– Reconnect Okyweb 4.
– Turn on Okyweb 4
– Wait until connectio page on Okyweb4 is displayed

 Go to Options-> System and select DATABASE near Browsing, click on the “Rebuild” button as soon as it appears.

 It is recommended not to copy more than a thousand files in a single folder

You need to connect Okyweb 4 to the PC via USB.
In ths modality you can rename, move and erase files as external hard disk connected to the PC. Please note that if you are using DATABASE mode, you must rebuild the Database.

To do this, you have to use Okyweb4Soft PC software available for both Windows (from this link) and MAC (from this link). Once you have installed the software on your PC, you have to connect Okyweb4 via USB and run the software

You can use MF3 and MF4 files without restriction.
Generally, MF5 files are not compatible with Okyweb 4. However, we have created a utility that allows you to convert some kind of MF5 files into MF3 files, after that they become compatible with Okyweb 4. The utility is available for both Windows (from this Link) than for MAC (from this link).

– Connect Merish to the PC (if you do not know how to click here), and copy to the PC all the contents of Merish3 or 4 internal memory (NB do not copy “System” folder, if present).
– Disconnect the Merish and connect the Okyweb to the PC, paste all files you just copied into the Okyweb4 drive.
– Once the transfer is complete, turn off and disconnect Okyweb 4, then turn Okyweb 4 on and rebuild the database.

 Of course, it is described in the manual, in the paragraph creating a playlist


Disconnect any connected USB devices (Wi-Fi key,  Usb Stick or USB keyboard), first connect the usb cable to the Okyweb 4 “PC USB” input and the other end to the PC. Then turn on Okyweb 4, the device will automatically be detected as an external disk drive.

You must connect the USB cable from the PC to the back of Okyweb 4 into the specific USB socket. Okyweb 4 is compatible plug-and-play with Windows or MAC and does not require custom drivers. Please note that once Okyweb 4 is used as an expander, it cannot be used as a player.

Issues with Okyweb 4

Verify that the power adapter used is the one included in the package or is a compatible one. The power supply must be 12VDC, 2000mA

Not all PC USB keyboards are compatible with Okyweb 4. You must first verify compatibility. As general rule, special keyboards with not standard function keys or mouse trackballs or with multimedia buttons (such as PLAY / STOP, volume controls, browse, etc.) are NOT compatible.
It is recomanded to connect the keyboard to Okyweb 4 when it is off and then turn on Okyweb 4.

 The Okyweb 4 rear USB socket must be used only for PC keyboards. The USB stick must be only connected to the front.

You con update Okyweb 4 sounds simply following this guide

You should try to recalibrate the touch-screen: turn Okyweb4 on and when the main page is displayed, follow this simple procedure:
1) Press NEXT SONG button for 3 seconds, until the screen goes white
2) Touch the message on center of the screen
3) Touch the dot up left with a finger
4) Touch the dot down right with a finger
5) Now on display is back to the standard image. Press and hold POWER button to turn off the Okyweb4.
6) Touch [OK] in the LCD to switch off.
7) Turn it on again and check.

Files transfer from usb stick to Okyweb4 (Italian)

Files transfer from PC to Okyweb4 (Italian)


  • To get the last release of software click this link .

  • OKYWEB4SOFT– Program for managing infos of database for Okyweb4 (titles, interpretes and other infos). Just download and install the software.  Connect Okyweb4 via USB in the same way that you upgrade the files with PC (see manual). You can download
  • MF5 CONVERTER – Allows you to convert MF5 files to MF3 format. This type of conversion is not possible for all MF5 files, ( you can do it only with those files that do not use more than 16 standard MIDI channels). You can download
  • OKYWEB RENAMER – This software allows you to automatically rename old-style MF3 and MF4 files for Okyweb1, Okyweb2, Okyweb3 or Okyfly1 and 2, that were identified by a numberic code. The software automatically renames the filename with the title of the song or title and the interpreter. of the song. You can download
  • SOUNDS UPDATE – Follow this guide


You may not know that Okyweb4 has a Help on Line explaining its features and is accessible in real time by pressing and holding the Enter key for more than 2 seconds. After that, every key that you touch, every potetiometer you move every button on display LCD you tap, Okyweb 4 will display a window explaining how it works.
You can download the manual from these links.

If you have not found the solution to your problem by visiting FAQs or guides, fill out the form below, we will contact you as soon as possible.

form contatti inglese

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