Let it beat!

Firmware 4.5



Warning: It is strongly recommended to update both B.Beat and B.Beat Manager software on the PC to release 4.5. Updating only the BBeat Manager, or only the B.Beat to Release 4.5, may cause malfunctions.


DOWNLOAD THE VERSION 4.5 of BBeatManager from these links. If your B.Beat is not updated to release 4.5, do it.



BBeatManager for MAC

BBeatManager for Windows


1. Automatic checking for a new release

Connect your B.Beat to the network using the Ethernet cable, or via WiFi, the same way you would connect it to your computer to transfer backing tracks.  If your PC is connected to the Internet, the system checks whether B.Beat is updated to the latest software release.
If it is not, the software prompts through a pop-up to update the system. The update procedure of B.Beat is automatic. 



NOTE: Make sure you don’t have any other files called ‘bbeatSysSw.upd’ in your PC’s Download folder.


Warning: It is strongly recommended to update both B.Beat and B.Beat Manager software on the PC to release 4.5. Updating only the BBeat Manager, or only B.Beat to Release 4.5, may cause malfunctions.


1. Checking the Software Version on the B.Beat
To check the version number currently installed on the device, simply press the Options key and choose INFO.

2. Download the software, version 4.5 
– The latest firmware version of B.Beat can be downloaded as an .upd file from this link.
– Once you have downloaded the UPD file, copy it onto a USB stick.
– Remove the USB stick from your PC.

3. Update the software on B.Beat
– Turn on B.Beat and wait for the main screen to appear.
– Insert the USB stick into the USB port of B.Beat and wait for it to be recognized. The display of B.Beat shows the message “Update found”. Press F3 .
– The system analyses the file, after about 15sec you are asked to confirm the update. Check that the version is the one above and press F3 again to confirm your choice.  If not, cancel to interrupt the update.
– The update procedure continues automatically and eventually the B.Beat restarts itself. At the end of the restart, take out the USB stick


Release date may, 29th 2024

Decreased reaction time on PLAY with projects containing video.

Added the ability to handle a text-only project without music (hump handling for unplugged tracks)
Added the ability to remotely control the B.Beat from the PC in addition to the Prompter app
Added single-line text coloring and alignment (on video output only).
Enhanced and speeded up the detection phase between PC and B.Beat and between Prompter and B.Beat.
Fixed occasional blocking problems with MIDI files and added option to mute MIDI sounds at STOP and PAUSE (default is disabled).
Fixed bugs related to sheet music management with Prompter.
Fixed minor bugs




Release date March 20, 2024

b.beat versione 4.0.3


Expansion mode management implemented. It is possible to connect two machines together via Ethernet cable, where one is an expansion of the outputs of the main. It is possible to link one B.Beat to one B.Beat-X and one B.Beat to another as its expansion.

– Improved Sync management between Main and Spare machines.

– Implemented new system for “Live Mode” to enhance control and security during a show

– Added support for creating backup and restore from USB stick, important for use with E.Beat

– Added in Options the possibility to lock output volume at different levels (+0 dBu, +4 dBu, +10 dBu) or leave it manual with poteziometers. Fixed vu meters display error.

– Added display of current project number playing in a playlist.
– Pressing the Esc key while a playlist is playing can be accessed to its playing list.

Fixed minor bugs

– problems with very long tracks
– Problems related to erasing and duplication of tracks in some circumstances
– Automatic memory restore in case of errors
– problems related to commands sent from remote control


BBeat Manager release 4.0

– Now can manage expansions with B.Beat-X and all other types of combinations.

– Added the possibility to use the E.Beat plugin, software that allows off-line management of the machines of the B.Beat family. This plugin allows you to make a backup copy on a USB stick, use that stick to make changes, additions, deletions whatever you want to do with B.Beat. Once the changes are made, you insert this flash drive into B.Beat and it automatcally aligns the changes made off-line. The plugin requires payment of a fee.

– Added Chinese language

– Added manual editing of track volume value (with PC keyboard); projects lists are sorted alphabetically (not for playlists). Enhanced generally the usability of the user interface.

– When importing projects, putting the number of the output in front of the track name (e.g. 01 – Guitars.wav” ) automatically assigns the output number

– Added the ability to manually define the network address of the B.Beat in case of automatic connection problems.

Fixed minor bugs

– In Backup management. In particular, changing the destination of the backup folder destination now works.
– In moving (dragging) tracks within an audio project.
– Enhanced error handling when loading tracks.



Release date 15 November 2023


Synchronization between two machines (Main/Spare mode). If a second machine is configured as SPARE, once connected to the first machine (MAIN) with the Ethernet network cable, the SPARE machine will ask to align with the first one. If you agree (it is asked 2 times) the SPARE machine is completely reset and is cloned to the first one: the second machine will be identical to the first one. If you keep the cable connection, the second one is perfectly synchronized with the first one and can be used as SPARE with a switch device for hot backup during a show.
Added ability to display the lyrics (lyrics) on HDMI video output. It is possible to choose to display on the HDMI output either the videos accompanying the projects or the lyrics (lyricis). The choice is a machine setting and you cannot change from project to project: either videos or lyrics.
Remote commands: using a mobile phone or tablet, with the Prompter App it is now possible to control the B.Beat via WiFi  ( with 128GB-LE or equipped with M-Live’s M-Pen. The Prompter must be on the same network ).
Reduced the execution latency of the PLAY command. If the song is preloaded the start is virtually instantaneous
Added automatic recovery system: in case of errors detected on the memory that do not allow the B.Beat to start, an internal diagnostic and recovery procedure is started to automatically solve the problem.

It is now possible to associate a name with the device, in the Options of the B.Beat manager. The name will be displayed upon connection.
Added the ability to display long project titles (by pressing Enter on the project name)
Fixed bug on MIDI clock
Fixed bug related to duplication of projects and deletion from show
Fixed issue on transitions between slots in some configurations
Fixed issues with configuring the metronome within a show
Fixed bug where Deleting/inserting a MIDI file would not delete the text associated with the project. If the MIDI include lyrics, however, the present text is overwritten.



Release date 1 August 2023


Download this release from this link

B.Beat software 3.0.2
B.Beat Manager 3.0.2


Added the possibility to insert/edit the text of a backing track. The text is only visible through the prompter app. The text is editable from the EXTRA section
Added the ability to place a default background image on the HDMI
Added Spanish and French language
Added MIDI clock option
Added “Mono Headset” option
Added the ability to Zoom In and Zoom Out in B.Beat Manager interface
Added the ability to export and import a project

Fixed bug on tempo change in MIDI files
Fixed prompter sync bug in Playlists and Shows
Fixed transition bug in Shows
Fixed B.Beat starting block problem
Fixed B.Beat Manager responsiveness for low resolution screens
Waveform loading speeded up


Release date 10 July 2023
Download this release from this link

Added support for “M-Pen2” WiFi Stick


Warning: You don’t need to update the B.Beat if you are not using the new M-Live WiFi Stick  “M-Pen2”


Release date 28 March 2023

Download this release from this link

B.Beat software 2.1.1

Added ability to switch songs while playing a playlist using the up/down arrow keys
Added option to disable pedal stop during a performance (with “Live Mode” active)
Fixed bug on prompter synchronization
Added check on files larger than 4 GB
Fixed bug on transitions between scenes and other GUI bugs
Simplified the software update process (applies to future updates)

B.Beat Manager 2.0.4
Fixed bug loading M4A and M4V formats
Fixed various bugs related to the graphical interface


Release date 23 Feb 2023

Download this release from this link
Download BBEATMANAGER  for Windows rel 2.0 from this link
Download BBEATMANAGER  from MAC rel 2.0 from this link

Sheet music management, visible via ‘Prompter’ App (version 2.0 or higher), free download for iPad and Android devices
Support for silence deletion at beginning and end of song (maximum 10 s)
Text import from MP3 files
Support for long audio files (up to 2 hours)
Possibility of separating stereo tracks into two mono tracks
Ability to display playlist/show duration on the device
Fixed some minor bugs on MIDI and text import
Fixed problems in backup when files have names with non-standard characters
Fixed problems with incorrect volume handling in some audio configurations
Fixed problems with media with too high a resolution
Fixed problems with transitions and loops in scenes and other minor bugs


Release date 22 October 2022

Click generation of stereo MP3 tracks

Added the possibility to use MTA files from song-service.com

Removed the B.Beat logo that was showing up on the display in STOP

Removed network connection problems between B.Beat and B.Beat Manager

Removed other minor bugs 

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