Touch the music


software and manuals


Merish 4 has a constantly evolving software and many problems will be solved simply updating the machine. That’s why we encourage you to make it, following the procedure described on this page.
Besides, perhaps you don’t know Merish 4 has an Online Help, which explains the Merish 4’s functionalities and it is accessible in real time by pressing and holding down for more than 2 seconds the Enter key. From that moment, for every button you will touch, it is displayed a window with the explanation of its functioning.


After having copied even few backing tracks, using the PC-USB connection, or many backing tracks (several hundred) from the USB pen, Merish 4 needs to rebuild all information for the research function.
This procedure of rebuilding, it is called regeneration of the database and is carried out in this way:
1- From the main screen, touch on OPTIONS
2- Touch on Database
3- Touch on Regeneration of database – HD
This operation can require several minutes (it depends on the quantity of backing tracks in the internal memory).

You should make a regeneration of the database. If even after the generation of the database the backing tracks appear without information, the name of the backing track will be displayed in the list. That’s because the backing track don’t include correct information inside; you can add information, clicking on the icon on the left (midi/mp3) and inserting it through the appropriate screen.

Merish 4 analyzes all backing tracks before playing them to avoid blocks during the execution. If a file doesn’t pass this analysis, just to be safe, avoid playing it.
It can happen some midi files are wrongly interpreted as corrupted: if your are sure about it, send them to us, using the contacts’ page, specifying they are non-working files.

Merish 4 plays Mp3 files with superior bit-rate at 64kb/sec (Do you want to know what is it?) and samples’ frequency 44.1Khz or 48 Khz. Having files, which don’t satisfy these requirements, it means to have Mp3 files of low quality. If you want to convert your Mp3 files you can use use this software for PC, allowing you to convert your files for Merish 4.

The playlist is a list of songs to play: Merish 4 saves the position of the backing tracks inside the list in the internal memory. If you move/delete/rename one of the songs after making the playlist, Merish 4 will not be able to find it and it informs about this situation with a red exclamation point.

This problem has already been solved and probably the software of your Merish 4 is not updated. We suggest you make the update following this procedure. If similar situations happen, we advise you to make the regeneration of the database.

This depends on the number of backing tracks inside a single folder: in general, it is good not to put too much songs in a single folder (it is advised not to exceed 1,000 baking tracks per folder). You can use Merish Manager, a PC software that executes the optimization function of folders: basically, if it finds folders with several thousand of files, it divides them in subfolders, using the alphabetic order of songs’ titles.

Absolutely not! Inside the Merish 4 archive there is the software and the data needed for the correct functioning. If you format its internal memory with the USB connection, you will cause a malfunctioning and your machine may need to be returned to M-live for assistance! If you want to completely reset the machine, use the Merish Managersoftware and follow this procedure:
1- Download this software on PC and install it
2- Connect via USB the PC-IN input of Merish 4 with the USB output of your PC, then turn on your Merish 4. On the display of Merish 4, a screen with the Italian and English flags appears.
3- Open Merish 4 Manager
4- Click on Install again the operating system and delete backing tracks


To copy videos on Merish 4 with the PC, it is necessary to copy them inside the “Videos” folder of Merish 4; only the videos inside this folder will be visible in the section MEDIA->VIDEO of Merish 4.

To insert new videos, there are 2 ways: through the IMPORT button in the media section, you can select the videos inside an USB pen connected to Merish 4, or connecting Merish 4 to your PC and inserting the videos in the specific folder called Video (ONLY in this folder it is possible to put videos).

Merish 4 can play different videos format: “AVI”, “MPEG”, “WMV”, “MP4”, “MOV”. It is not compatible with other formats.
If a video format supported by Merish 4 doesn’t start, there are two possibilities:
1 – If the name file is longer than 80 characters, please reduce the name of the file.
2 – It is possible that your codification is not supported by Merish 4; you can solve this problem using AviDemux program.
Simply, open the video with this program, select MPEG4 as video codification and MP3 as audio codification, then export the video and upload on your Merish 4.


 Please, verify to have used the correct power supply. Merish 4 needs a 12VDC/ 2000mA power supply. Please, pay attention: it is not compatible with power supplies of Merish 2, Merish Plus or Okyfly.

This means that some files, necessary for the correct functioning of the system, have been altered / moved/ deleted/ corrupted. To solve this problem, there is a software for PC-Windows and PC-Mac called Merish Manager which is able to restore the operating system of Merish 4. This is the procedure:
1- Download this software and install it on your PC
2- Connect the USB input PC-IN of Merish 4 via USB with the output of your PC, then turn on your Merish 4. On the display of Merish 4, it will be shown the screen with the Italian and the English flags
3- Open Merish Manager
4- Click on Install again the operating system
This procedure will last some minutes and it installs the last release of the operating system on your Merish 4 without deleting your songs.
At the end of the procedure:
1- Turn off your Merish 4
2- Disconnect Merish 4 from your PC
3- Turn on your Merish 4
4- When the main screen appears again, make a regeneration of the database.

This happens when you formatted the internal memory of Merish 4, that contains also the operative system. In order to reinstall operative system please, follow the points descripted above.
WARNING: the  drive unity name of Merish 4 must be MERISH4, otherwise the software Merish Manager do not work (it can’t find Merish 4 unity).  If you changed it, please rename the drive unity to  MERISH4.

Control if many songs have been copied (more than 1,000) on the main folder of Merish 4 (called root), using the connection to PC. To solve it, you have to create a folder on the root , always using the connection to PC, and move all the songs (or some of them) inside it. For an optimal functioning of the machine, it is good not to save more than 200-300 songs on the root.


Perhaps you don’t know Merish 4 has an On Line Help which explains the Merish 4’s functionalities and it is accessible in real time by pressing and holding down for more than 2 seconds the Enter key. From that moment, for every button you will touch, it is displayed a window with the explanation of its functioning.

The hard disk can be powered or not, but it has to be formatted in ExFAT (ONLY for old HD and with Windows xp it is possible to choose FAT32, but it is anyway suggested EXFAT). Merish 4 is not compatible with the NTFS formatting. If you want to know how to format an HD or an USB pen,read here.

When you are on the list that displays songs, touch the Midi or Mp3 logo on the left of the list’s line: the info screen will be opened. Touching on the different fields (title, author, genre etc), the keyboard will be opened to modify the content. (We suggest you connect an USB keyboard for PC to simplify these operations.)

Install Merish3 manager on your PC and create a backup inside the disk of Merish 3, then install Merish4 manager and import the disk (selecting the folder) you have previously exported.

Just follow this simple guide


Presentation of Merish4: Touch the music
Merish 4 is able to connect to the Internet, discover all its functions with this video.
Guide to connections and to Merish 4’s hardware.

Guide to use of Midi mixer.

How to copy songs from USB pen to Merish 4.

How to copy songs from PC to Merish 4



MP3 KARAOKE RECOVERY – When an Mp3 karaoke is modified with an external program it often looses the karaoke. This software will allow you to restore the karaoke lyrics in the file modified, starting from the original file.

MP3 REBUILDER – This software will allow you to sample again mp3 files of low quality in a way to make them compatible with modern audio players.


Perhaps you don’t know Merish 4 has an Online Help, which explains the Merish 4’s functionalities and it is accessible in real time by pressing and holding down for more than 2 seconds the Enter key. From that moment, for every button you will touch, it is displayed a window with the explanation of its functioning.
For the manual of Merish 4, you can use the manual of Merish 3. The supplementary functions of Merish 4 compared to the previous release have been summarized in the Addendum Merish4


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